Other Ministries

At the Vine we believe that everyone has spiritual gifts that can be used to better our world and God's kingdom. We hope that one of our ministries fulfills your desire to serve. 


Healing Ministry-This ministry is designed to promote healing within the congregation. This ministry team will reach out to others who are suffering from a variety of  maladies, giving them prayer, support and helping get them assistance when they are in need.


History Ministry-This ministry will be responsible for recording the history of The Vine. This team will be compiling a variety of newspaper articles, photographs and other items regarding our church to be used within The Vine’s Scrapbook. 


Announcement Ministry-This ministry will be responsible for voicing announcements Sunday mornings. If you have been blessed with  a gift for public speaking and would like to be a part of this ministry,  sign up today! 


The Connections Ministry-is to help individuals come together, get connected, stay in touch, and then continue to be an integral part of each other's lives. They will also spread the word and the love of Jesus not just with each other but also within the community. If you're ready to make a difference and be the change, sign-up today!


Sound Ministry-This ministry will be working with the sound equipment on Sunday mornings during worship. If you have a background with these types of electronics or feel called to help out in this ministry, join today. Let's work together to make a beautiful sound for our Lord! 


Men’s Ministry-This Ministry will be for men to help each other be the head of their household, lead their families how God intended them to be lead and be an overall example of Christ in every aspect of their lives. They will teach each other what it truly means to live a Christ-like life.


Encouragement Ministry-This ministry will be here to encourage others to stay strong in their faith and in their daily walk with Jesus. They will be responsible for staying in contact with those who may be struggling with a variety of life’s issues and locating help for those individuals when needed. If you feel called to be an encouraging voice to others this could be the ministry for you.


Communion Ministry-This ministry is responsible for the making sure there is ample communion supplies, setting up for communion each Sunday and the cleaning and careful storage of all communion supplies.


Gallery Hostess Ministry (Kitchen)-This ministry is for those who love to be in, keep organized and get creative with all things Kitchen. If you feel at home in the kitchen, this is the ministry you have been waiting for! This ministry will be responsible for setting up, serving and tidying up the kitchen on a regular basis.


Recovery Ministry-This ministry is designed to help those on their journey to recovery. This ministry team will be there, to love and support those individuals who are in need. This ministry is focused on each individual with a Christ centered, confidential and restorative approach. Those interested in this ministry must be aware of the difficulties individuals struggling with recovery face on a daily basis and be willing to contact those individuals on a regular basis to help insure they are continuing in their recovery.


Prayer Ministry-This will be a ministry team with a passion for prayer. They will organize our prayer training, encourage prayer initiatives, plan and lead special prayer Sundays and guide our church to become a people of prayer. They will listen to the Holy Spirit and be receptive to how God will use and speak through them, they will be bold in their faith and prayer, they will touch base with those they have prayed for and believe that God keeps His promise to answer prayer.


Office Ministry-The Office Ministry is looking for individuals with a knack for organization and an eye for detail. Those with a heart to help in an office setting are needed to assist with the weekly managing of office duties, from answering phones, filing, organizing to other light responsibilities.


Cleaning God’s House Ministry-This Ministry will be in charge of the routine cleaning of our church. If you have a gift for cleaning and organizing and feel called to help keep God’s House clean, sign up here! This team will work together to keep God’s House in a clean and orderly fashion after Sunday Worship Service and other events that take place throughout the week. They will keep track of cleaning supplies, maintain organization and insure the safe storage of all cleaning supplies.


Maintenance Ministry-This ministry will be responsible for the overall upkeep of the church, repairs within the church building and the outside grounds of the church property. If you have a knack for fixing what’s broken, this is the ministry for you.


Outreach Ministry-This ministry will be responsible for reaching out to bring others to Christ and being an example of Christ’s love, grace and mercy. The outreach team will work together to reach out to our hurting community and surrounding area to help lead the lost to Christ by showing His love.


Fireside Cafe Ministry-This ministry will be responsible for the routine operations, maintaining the supplies and overall cleanliness of our Fireside Room. They will be here to serve others with a warm cup of coffee and a smile. If you would like to serve others and help run our Fireside Room this is the ministry for you.


Hospitality Ministry-This ministry will be the hands and feet of Jesus when it comes to greeting and making congregation members and visiting guest feel welcome when they walk through our doors. They will be there to hand out bulletins and direct individuals into our Fireside Room for a warm cup of coffee and good conversation before Sunday Morning Worship.


The Women’s Ministry-will focus on walking with Christ, daily devotionals, prayers and overall spiritual well being & growth. They will be there to lift each other up and support each other in all ways with a loving, gentle and merciful hand. To be the strength for each other in times of trouble and a kind shoulder to lean on in times of heartache.


Safety Ministry-This ministry has the uniquely important responsibility of keeping the congregation safe at all times. They will discreetly look after everyone during events and worship service. They will maintain a watchful eye for situations that may arise. If you feel called to be a safeguard and wish to be a part of this team, sign up today!


Events Ministry-This ministry will be responsible for all events. From the planning, setting up, working through, and cleaning up stages, this ministry will be working together to make sure all events are beautiful. If you enjoy and feel called to be a part of making events amazing, sign up today!


Back to the Bible Ministry-This ministry is designed to get individuals deep in the Word of God. They will be pouring themselves into the Bible with a hunger and thirst for the truth of the Word of God. If you feel called to get Back to the Bible then this is your ministry team!